As some may have heard, the map contest has been extended, with that some of the mappers are quite upset. Myself somewhat included. Many mappers poured a lot of time and energy into submitting before July 5th. Now it is extended 2 months to Aug 30th. Anyways, Ive now decided to quite drastically up my
Author: Ted McIlwain
More Arbalet Map Progress
So here’s some more pictures of the map progression. I hope to have a scrim ready map by the end of the week. and to work out as many bugs as possible before submission.
Arbalet Map Contest Progress
In case you haven’t heard, the Arbalet Cup organization is hosting a mapping contest for their upcoming e-sports tournaments. With this, they announce a $5000 purse. $3k for 1st place, and $2k for 2nd. What they wanted to see as far as theme was vague but leaning towards de_inferno. (cpl_strike, cpl_fire as well) So I